Тема: Mini-event “General cleaning”
Greed527 04.12.2014 в 07:10  Редактировано 2 раза. Последнее редактирование сделано пользователем Greed527 04.12.2014 в 07:10
The event runs from 0:01 to 4 December at 23:59 on 8 December
Objective 1. Throw away locks skill pet.

Throw 100 castles pet skills

Prize: 15 silver

Throw 250 castles pet skills

Prize: 30 silver

Throw 500 castles pet skills

Prize: 45 silver

Throw 1000 castles Pets

Prize: 70 silver

Throw 1500 castles pet skills

Prize: 100 silver

Objective 2. Throw away oblivion potions.

Throw 20 potions of oblivion

Prize: 20 silver

Throw 50 potions of oblivion

Prize: 50 silver

Throw 100 potion of oblivion

Prize: 100 silver

Throw 200 potion of oblivion

Prize: 200 silver

Objective 3. Throw away talismans gain.

Throw 200 mascots gain 8 or 9 level

Prize: 30 silver

Throw 500 mascots gain 8 or 9 level

Prize: 60 silver

Throw 1000 mascots gain 8 or 9 level

Prize: 100 silver

Objective 4. Throw away talismans of purification.

Throw 200 mascots cleaning 8 or 9 level

Prize: 30 silver

Throw 500 mascots cleaning 8 or 9 level

Prize: 60 silver

Throw 1000 mascots cleaning 8 or 9 level

Prize: 100 silver

Objective 5. Throw away the pots with orange outfits.

Throw 10 pots desires with orange vestments

Prize: 7 silver

Throw 50 pots desires with orange vestments

Prize: 28 silver

Throw 100 pots desires with orange vestments

Prize: 42 silver

Objective 6. Throw away the pots blue outfits.

Throw 10 pots desires with blue vestments

Prize: 5 silver

Throw 50 pots desires with blue vestments

Prize: 15 silver

Throw 100 pots desires with blue vestments

Prize: 25 silver

Objective 7. Throw away the pots with gray outfits.

Throw 10 pots desires with gray vestments

Prize: 20 silver

Throw 50 pots desires with gray vestments

Prize: 30 silver

Throw 100 pots desires with gray vestments

Prize: 40 silver

Objective 8. Objective canceled. All players will be issued compensation (175 silver)

Objective 9. Throw away pots with family values.

Throw 200 pots with orange, red or gold family values

Prize: 50 silver

Throw 400 pots with orange, red or gold family values

Prize: 75 silver

Throw 600 pots with orange, red or gold family values

Prize: 100 silver

Throw 800 pots with orange, red or gold family values

Prize: 125 silver

Throw 1000 pots with orange, red or gold family values

Prize: 150 silver

Objective 10. Throw away marks the suppression of the demon.

Throw 200 characters suppression demon

Prize: 20 silver

Throw 500 characters suppression demon

Prize: 50 silver

Throw 1000 characters suppression demon

Prize: 80 silver

Throw 2000 characters suppression demon

Prize: 150 silver
Greed527 09.12.2014 в 06:47
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