Тема: Items
Vivas 14.05.2015 в 19:03
I Need help, i dont know what to do whit this items :c ive never seen it before

Greed527 15.05.2015 в 09:47
It is no longer needed. You can throw ссылка
It is necessary to raise the level of new stones charms ссылка
Down - lowers 9% probability of breakage of the wings.Top - lowers 15% chance of reducing the level of the wings ссылка
The rest is various scrolls, and change or improve. Here we should look at each individually
nman7979 16.05.2015 в 00:33
i cant equip items
Vivas 16.05.2015 в 12:20
Ty This Are the scrolls
Greed527 16.05.2015 в 15:29
ссылка improves such gems here ссылка Green give a % to drop, blue to the experience and rose to the stones

ссылка change the color of the above gems

ссылка changes such gem ссылка
Vivas 18.05.2015 в 00:35
TY *-*
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