Автор | Тема: Can't login to the game |
Aditya_399232 | 08.08.2017 в 23:20 Hello, when i try to login to the server from my VK account, i get this notice after loading screen "соединение с сервером прервано" or "connection to server interrupted" what happen ? i tried using another account with gmail adress(not VK) and it can login succesfully into the game, any help would be appreciated |
lineaggge | 09.08.2017 в 02:35 Редактировано 1 раз. Последнее редактирование сделано пользователем lineaggge 09.08.2017 в 02:35 Your account has been frozen or something like that. |
Aditya_399232 | 09.08.2017 в 09:08 if that's so, why it's happen ? how to open the char from that account ? |
lineaggge | 09.08.2017 в 10:01 if that's so, why it's happen ? I have no idea, here is support where you can ask about it: support@ninjawars2.ru |
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