АвторТема: Event "The shine of a far far away star"
neogeometry 22.02.2017 в 07:52
guys which pet egg should i buy to possibly get kurodo or meng in the shop using coupon or silver?
demurechan 22.02.2017 в 11:42
guys which pet egg should i buy to possibly get kurodo or meng in the shop using coupon or silver?

Advanced pet egg ссылка you have a chance to get Kurodo
Wishing pet pot ссылка this pot contains Kurodo
ade assansin 22.02.2017 в 19:07
I Know that after i claim in website the reward is gone but, WHAT I MEAN the item is gone(NOT IN INVENTORY) when I was claim in the BONUS IN GAME NOT IN WEBSITE. why ?

thanks before
demurechan 22.02.2017 в 23:11
I Know that after i claim in website the reward is gone but, WHAT I MEAN the item is gone(NOT IN INVENTORY) when I was claim in the BONUS IN GAME NOT IN WEBSITE. why ?

Which button did you press? 1 or 2 ссылка
ade assansin 23.02.2017 в 07:10
always 1
demurechan 23.02.2017 в 07:48
always 1

Contact support: support@ninjawars2.ru
Photogen 23.02.2017 в 08:04
what are the %Chance to synthetize "Звезда"?. i am tried to make this with Кристалл 4 ур + Кристалл 4 ур + Кристалл 4 ур but all dessapear, well, not the first Кристалл 4 ур, i have the same "problem" with Кристалл 3 уp, synthetize "Звезда" have a low chance?, or i am very unlucky? HAHA
demurechan 23.02.2017 в 10:22
what are the %Chance to synthetize "Звезда"?

All i know is that chances to successfuly synthesize required items are not 100%
Skullknight 23.02.2017 в 11:43
I can not visit wiki.ninjawars
demurechan 23.02.2017 в 20:04
I can not visit wiki.ninjawars

Wiki is off now. Don't know why or when it will work fine.
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