АвторТема: Event "Helloween's tale"
demurechan 01.11.2016 в 13:01  Редактировано 1 раз. Последнее редактирование сделано пользователем demurechan 01.11.2016 в 13:01
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statistics and autorewarding for each stage are enabled.

The event lasts for the whole November!

End of October is a long-awaiting time for every citizen of Sakura Mainland. When else you can show your friends your scary costume and eat as many sweets as you want? Isami and Keico thought the same but they had another destiny...

First three players who complete this event will get:

300 silver
Legendary devil fruit +1 (Коробка с фруктом +1), 3 pcs
Universal Valhalla crystal (Обычный Кристалл Валлгалы), 800 pcs
Universal card pack (Коробка универсальных карт (1500 шт)), 70 pcs

To start the event go here ссылка and choose your server

Also we launch a lottery!

Lottery duration from 1th November to 14th November

To participate buy one of these lottery ссылка
If you are lucky enough you can get Magical Jack's light which contains different Jack's pumpkins. Each pumpkin is special and for each pumpkin you throw you will get special reward!

1. Evil Jack's pumpkin (Тыква злого Джека) - 666 growth potions
2. Scared Jack's pumpkin (Тыква испуганного Джека) - Akatsuki outfit jar
3. Lucky Jack's pumpkin (Тыква счастливого Джека) - Random legendary wings
4. Flirty Jack's pumpkin (Тыква кокетливого Джека) - Legendary DF+2
5. Tricky Jack's pumpkin (Тыква хитрого Джека) - Random unique bankai crystal
6. Satisfied Jack's pumpkin (Тыква довольного Джека) - 1 million of Universal cards
7. Dead Jack's pumpkin (Тыква мертвого Джека) - 666 Luxury exp bags
8. Mad Jack's pumpkin (Тыква сумасшедшего Джека) - 666 Shadow collection jar
9. Surprised Jack's pumpkin (Тыква удивленного Джека) - Hollow element gem +7

You have to throw out received pumpkin to get reward.
Rewards will be given after 14th November.

To start the event go here ссылка and choose your server
Legion99 02.11.2016 в 00:36
how to synthesis pumpkin? xD
demurechan 02.11.2016 в 09:28
Synthesize any pet food until you get food with synth value cost of 23.
Then synthesize it 0s/1s items to get pumpkin.
Legion99 02.11.2016 в 12:08
Thanks! <3
202784155 08.11.2016 в 04:24
what do you mean by 0s/1s items?
demurechan 08.11.2016 в 12:00  Редактировано 1 раз. Последнее редактирование сделано пользователем demurechan 08.11.2016 в 12:00
what do you mean by 0s/1s items?

When you got food with synth value of 23 synthesize it with items that have synth value of less than 20 and more than 10. Or you can synthesize food with grenades/justice gems/any other 2s items as first catalyst and emi-emi/hito-hito any other 0s item as second catalyst
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