Тема: Event "Become stronger"
Greed527 18.11.2014 в 08:26  Редактировано 1 раз. Последнее редактирование сделано пользователем Greed527 18.11.2014 в 08:26
Conditions of the first event "Become stronger"

The event runs from 0:01 17 November to 23:59 on 23 November.

Strengthening Zanpakto

Task and prizes:

Make cleaning any Zanpakto 100 times

Prize: 100 silver and 100 mascots purification 9th level.

Make cleaning any Zanpakto 500 times

Prize: 250 silver and 250 mascots purification 9th level.

Make cleaning any Zanpakto 1500 times

Prize: 500 silver and 500 mascots purification 9th level.

Note: takes into account only pay cleanup

Gain Bankai

Task and prizes:

Get 700 crystals in the community shower

Prize: 100 silver and 100 mascots gain 9th level.

Get 2000 crystals in the community shower

Prize: 250 silver and 250 mascots gain 9th level.

Get 5000 crystals in the community shower

Prize: 500 silver and 500 mascots gain 9th level.

Show your talents!

Task and prizes:

Learn talents for gems 100 times

Prize: 100 silver and 100 reinforced grinding shield.

Learn talents for the stones 150 times

Prize: 300 silver and 300 reinforced grinding shield.

Learn talents for gold 10 times

Prize: 100 silver, 300 spirit stones and 3 committed grinding talisman.

Learn talents for gold 50 times

Prize: 500 silver, 700 spirit stones and 7 advanced grinding shield.

Go to "Advanced course" in class Ninjutsu clan ссылка

Task and prizes:

Pass the training 1 times

Prize: 300 silver, 1 mascot blacksmith and 1 star gem item 3-level.

Trained 3 times

Prize: 700 silver, 2 mascot blacksmith and 3 star gem item 3-level.

Trained 5 times

Prize: 1500 silver, 3 mascot blacksmith and 6 star gems item 3-level.


The event takes place on the server time.

Event passes for all servers.

Conditions can only be run on a single server.

Substitution or transfer of prizes is not provided.

All prizes (even within the same goals) put!

All prizes can be received only 1 time per account.

Prizes will be issued no later than 30 November.

Prizes for any purpose may be supplemented by the choice of the Administration.

The administration may make any changes in the conditions of the event.

S1 - ссылка
V14 - ссылка
V15 - ссылка
V4 - ссылка
straiderX 18.11.2014 в 11:54
great event if the game is english
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