Автор | Тема: Great war. Final battle. Additional challenges. |
PsychoWolf | 13.05.2015 в 22:18 Редактировано 3 раза. Последнее редактирование сделано пользователем PsychoWolf 13.05.2015 в 22:18 Additional challenges for event "Великая битва. Решающий бой" (ссылка) link to news page: ссылка link to statistics: ссылка Captain list: v15: Madao Djonson happyStory v14: Ferzb Sandaime FROST v4: Battosai Канеки dobre v3: zzPS1Xzz SanChouse MightyNinja v5: Angel人 - doesn't complete qualifiers, aren't allowed to Main event (ссылка) loliLover Fluffyworst Challenge 1: Duel captains from your server. This challenge for those who are on the list here ссылка 50 Duels 200 silver All-purpose box, 2 pcs (each box contain 1500 all-purpose cards) God's scroll of luck, 1 pc Arena pts bag lv10, 5 pcs Luxury pot, 20 pcs Active player pack, 1 pc 100 Duels 500 silver All-purpose box, 5 pcs God's scroll of luck, 3 pcs Arena pts bag lv10, 15 pcs Luxury pot, 50 pcs Active player pack, 3 pcs Iggdrasyl potion, 1 pc Challenge 2: Fight on arena. This challenge for those who are on the list here ссылка 125 fights 300 silver Gold collection jar, 100 pcs Pink collection jar, 50 pcs 700k exp bag, 20 pcs Skip card, 1 pc Active player pack, 1 pc 250 fights 700 silver Gold collection jar, 300 pcs Pink collection jar, 20 pcs (probably 200 pcs) 700k exp bag, 50 pcs Skip card, 5 pcs Active player pack, 3 pcs Element gem +3, 1 pc Challenge 3: Captain's strengh. This challenge for Captains only (they are listed above). All captains are allowed to do this challenge (even those who aren't in the main event list). Kill 500 monster on new map (demon bosses count too) 500 silver Seeker gem +4, 1 pc Element gem, 1 pc Craftsman talisman, 2 pcs Kakashi's notes, 50 pcs Active player pack, 2 pcs |
konfan2 | 14.05.2015 в 15:04 Hi, I duelled v3 server captain zzPS1Xzz ten times but no change to stats. Also arena fights also not counting. I see there are many players on main forum section with same problem. Will they fix this in the maintenance? If they plan to shut the servers down early can we please have more than 2 hours notice so we have time to finish tasks? |
Greed527 | 14.05.2015 в 15:49 It is best to leave at 23:00 Moscow time. Error statistics will be fixed soon |
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