Тема: Кровавый Дракон - Blood Dragon statistic error
konfan2 24.05.2015 в 01:51  Редактировано 2 раза. Последнее редактирование сделано пользователем konfan2 24.05.2015 в 01:51
Hi, i am currently on task 7/Этап 7. Последний экзамен of the blood dragon quest and discarded 100 pieces of dragonscale/чешуи дракона yesterday but this has still not been added to my statistics. I have recently transferred my character because of the Hebi-Kitsune server merge, is this why the statistics are now broken? Please can you add yesterdays discard of 100 dragonscales to my total which should now be 300/500.
konfan2, v5 (kitsune)
Greed527 24.05.2015 в 09:39
Please contact the technical support support@nunjawars2.ru
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