Тема: Event "Gladiatorial fights" (Ивент “Гладиаторские бои”)
Miracle- 06.09.2015 в 18:23  Редактировано 3 раза. Последнее редактирование сделано пользователем Miracle- 06.09.2015 в 18:23
Main essence of an ivent Event will consist of the general tasks and stage-by-stage. For performance of each task players will get points, they will be necessary for identification of the strongest players for whom the surprise will wait at the end.
Date of the Stage I:
00.00 06.09.2015 - 23.59 27.09.2015
Conditions and prizes

General conditions for all ivent

1.To conduct fights on an arena.
Prize for each 100 fights on the arena:

10 points
150 silver
Arena bag 3 levels, 5 PCs
Sign of suppression of the demon, 150 PCs
Set of a stone of charms of god. Rank C, 3 PCs
The improved experience crystal, 3 Pcs

2 Killing bosses demons 56 locations for all time Event.

3000 bosses-demons:

25 points
300 silver
Multiplier of boutique x5, 30 PCs
Necklaces from lava stones, 150 PCs

7000 bosses-demons:

50 points
600 silver
Multiplier of boutique x5, 50 PCs
Necklaces from lava stones, 300 PCs
Set Gem element +3, 2 PCs
The improved experience crystal, 5 PCs

12000 bosses-demons:

100 points
900 silver
Necklaces from lava stones, 750 Pcs
Set Gem element+3. Rank S, 5 PCs

3. Games in a Tsunade pub.
Prize for each 50 games:

50 points
250 silver
Set Gem element+3. Rank S, 2 PCs
Black crystal of experience, 10 PCs
Lottery ticket of Bankai, 1 PCs

4. Autosale of particles zanpakuto.
Prize for everyone 500 sold particles:

50 points
350 silver
Bag of stones 10 lvl, 10 PCs
Spirit stone, 100 PCs
Soul particle chest 7 levels, 10 PCs
Scroll for improvement of heart having a tail, 2 PCs
The improved experience crystal,2 PCs

I Stage

1. Victories in battle in the field of tests

To win against 1 time following the results of competition:

50 points
250 silver
Scroll of test,50 PCs
Jug with pink heirlooms, 150 PCs
Set of the defender of the village from animals having a tail, 1 PCs
1 thing on a choice from any set

To win against 3 times following the results of competition:

75 points
350 silver
Jug with pink heirlooms, 300 PCs
Set of the defender of the village from animals having a tail, 3 PCs
1 thing on a choice from any set
Special set for strengthening, 1 PCs

To win against 9 times following the results of competition:

150 points
800 silver
Spring set luck, 10 PCs
Special set for strengthening, 1 PCs
Box with random skill, 4 PCs
Set of the defender of the village from animals having a tail, 7 PCs

Prizes for this purpose does not add up.

Note: Winners will be required to make a screenshot of the victory and publish it in a certain topic on the forum. One more victory will be considered only if the team has one membership.

2.Battle in Vallgala.

1 time to get into the top 1-3 in the statistics of the aisles vallgaly 66/86/106 (hard) :

35 points
150 silver
Talon coins, 1000 PCs
Random Spellstone gods 5 lvl, 1 PCs
Spellstone God luck, 1 PCs
Set of the defender of the village from animals having a tail, 5 PCs
Bag with copper, 50 PCs

2 times to get into the top 1-3 in the statistics aisles vallgaly 66/86/106 ( hard) :

50 points
250 silver
Talon coins, 1500 PCs
Set of the defender of the village from animals having a tail, 7 PCs
Random Spellstone gods 5 lvl, 2 PCs
Spellstone God luck, 2 PCs
Bag with copper, 75 PCs
Gem finder +4 , 1 PCs

3 times to get into the top 1-3 in the statistics of the aisles vallgaly 66/86/106 ( hard ) :

75 points
400 silver
Talon coins, 3000 PCs
Set of the defender of the village from animals having a tail, 9 PCs
Random Spellstone gods 5 lvl, 3 PCs
Bag with copper, 100 PCs
Spellstone God luck, 4 PCs
gem element+2 , 2 PCs
Set of synthesis of a bloody dragon, 3 PCs
10 points
100 silver
Talon coins, 500 PCs
Random Spellstone gods 4 lvl, 1 piece
bag with copper, 25 PCs
Set of the defender of the village from animals having a tail, 2 PCs

2 times to get into the top 4-10 in the statistics of the aisles vallgaly 66/86/106 ( hard ):

30 points
200 silver
Set of the defender of the village from animals having a tail, 3 PCs
Random Spellstone gods 4 lvl, 2 PCs
Spellstone God luck, 1 piece
Bag with copper, 50 PCs
Feather of the giant, 100 PCs

3 times to get into the top- 4-10 Statistics aisles vallgaly 66/86/106 ( hard) :

50 points
300 silver
Random Spellstone gods 4 lvl, 3 PCs
Set of the defender of the village from animals having a tail, 4 PCs
Set of synthesis of a bloody dragon, 1 piece
Spellstone God luck, 2 PCs
Bag with copper, 75 PCs
Feather of the giant, 150 PCs

Note: pass Vallgaly will be considered only your level.

Prizes for this purpose does not add up .

Additional tasks of the first phase :

1. To make a picnic contribution (bean) every day
Prize for every week if the player fills up picnic every day (7 times):

10 points
100 silver
Multiplier of boutique x5, 15 PCs
Middle beans, 20 PCs
Scroll for improvement of heart having a tail, 2 PCs

2. Each day of training to gain experience in the Town Hall ( 21 times ) :

50 points
250 silver
gem element +3 , 3 PCs
lolipop x100, 5 PCs
Simple Scroll god of fortune, 4 PCs
3. Sell 30 times Kakashi card in the card house:
35 points
250 silver
gem element +3, 3 PCs
lolipop x100, 5 PCs
Random objects from a set of blood Kage , 1 piece

Additional information

The event takes place at the server time.

Event passes for all servers except the server Old School.

Substitution or transfer of prizes is not provided.

All prizes add up for achievements, unless otherwise stated!

All the prizes you can get only 1 time on one account.

Prizes will be awarded within two weeks after the event.

The prizes for any purpose may be supplemented by the choice of Administration.

While using tricks and shortcomings of the event for personal purposes and for the use of bugs, the administration has the right to deprive the offender of all prizes for the event or not to enroll is received by such items!

If you encounter disputes, as well as finding bugs the player is obliged to inform the administration (at the forum in the discussion of the event or mail to technical support). Up to the time response of the administration's use thereof is prohibited.

The administration may make any changes to the conditions of the event.
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