Тема: Restore items that were accidentally removed?
nageek91 09.01.2016 в 10:55
Someone in-game earlier today told me that if I contact support after I lose items because I can't understand russian they will restore them.

I have been playing for quite a while and have lost hundreds of items because I can't read Russian and you didn't have them translated anywhere at the time.

If you can restore all the items that I lost by synthesising wrong etc that would be amazing... If not I understand but I have topped up quite of bit of gold on this game and will continue to top up more after you guys fix the 100% stuck loading bug and restore stuff that was lost.

Character name is Boros on Topa.. but you guys have merged the servers I was on twice so this is the third character I have had to make.
Greed527 09.01.2016 в 18:05
Your problem is solved and we know about it, but fixing it will take a lot of time. We apologize
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