Тема: Help me out
souLzyy 02.08.2016 в 08:16
So I used to be an avid player of this game a few years ago and now I have just started a new account called souLzyx(lvl 1) (v4) and souLzyy (lvl 21) (v5). Basically the game is much less enjoyable having to constantly use my phone to translate things and it seems as if there is absolutely no chance of getting an English version so does anyone have any advice as to what I can do to better understand what I'm supposed to be doing in general and in the missions (Im obviously not going to learn russian). I really want to enjoy this game again but the language barrier is severely holding me back. Is there any way they could make the text in the game copy-pastable into google translate so that I can translate with ease? even that would make things 10x better than constantly using my phone which isnt even 100% accurate. I know there may be other people with my struggle, is there any English clan on v4 or v5 that I could possibly join? Thanks
demurechan 02.08.2016 в 10:06  Редактировано 1 раз. Последнее редактирование сделано пользователем demurechan 02.08.2016 в 10:06
Hey dude, I don't think it is possible to make ingame text copy-pastable. About clan, I have clan on v5, it has both foreigns and Russian players, right now we don't have free space but I think it will change closer to the next week. My nickname REDPANDA, clan name Old Jouishishi.
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