АвторТема: Event "Winged Guests"
demurechan 03.10.2016 в 22:01
event page: ссылка
forum: ссылка

statistics: will be added later
autorewarding: off

event starts 00:01 4th August ends 23:59 10th August

Every Shinobi knows importance of their wings. Wings make you much stronger, open new opportunities. However not every ninja thought about caring their wings gifted by fate. Though current research of ninjutsu institute confirmed the fact that your wings requires constantly care otherwise expect troubles...

Part 1. Relying on luck

Successfuly upgrade any wings 100 times

200 silver
Moon Breaking Feather (Перо Разбитой луны), 100 pcs
Legendary copper (Сумка легендарной меди), 75 pcs

Successfuly upgrade any wings 200 times

300 silver
Fairy gauze (Духовная Марля), 55 pcs
Iggdrasyle seed (Семя Иггдрасиля), 2 pcs

Successfuly upgrade any wings 100 times

400 silver
Legendary fruit +0 (Коробка с фруктом +0), 2 pcs
Random ench. god stone level 11 (Случайный камень чар богов 11 уровня), 3 pcs

Top 1 wings upgrades successfuly done

700 silver
Chakra demodulators (Брусок чакроприемник), 18 pcs //Item to upgrade pain's pets
Fallen valley box (Коробка Долины Павших воинов), 15 pcs
Common Valhalla crystal (Обычный Кристалл Валлгалы), 300 pcs
Universal card pack (Коробка универсальных карт), 100 pcs //Contains 1500 cards each

Top 1 wings upgrades successfuly done

550 silver
Fallen valley box (Коробка Долины Павших воинов), 8 pcs
Common Valhalla crystal (Обычный Кристалл Валлгалы), 100 pcs
Universal card pack (Коробка универсальных карт), 45 pcs //Contains 1500 cards each

Note: to get in top you have to successfuly upgrade wings 800 times.

Part 2. Get closer to the Gods

Distillate any wings using heavenly feathers 50 times

150 silver
Luxury exp bag (Мешок с 700000 опыта), 25 pcs
Growth potion (Зелье Роста), 55 pcs

Distillate any wings using heavenly feathers 100 times

200 silver
Valhalla 106 abyss pass (Проход в бездну 106), 10 pcs
Hollow element gem +6 (Пустой самоцвет элемента +6), 1 pc

Distillate any wings using heavenly feathers 250 times

500 silver
Shadow collection jar (Кувшин с теневыми фамильными ценностями), 240 pcs
New player pet pack (Набор с питомцами нового игрока), 4 pcs
Four emperors (4 императора), 32 pcs

Part 3. Best of the best

Refine any wings using gold 15 times

300 silver
Advanced black bankai exp crystal (Улучшенный черный кристалл опыта), 15 pcs
Arena points (50) (Мешок очков 3 уровня), 20 pcs

Refine any wings using gold 20 times

400 silver
Vallhala 106 crystal (Кристалл Валгаллы 106 уровня), 100 pcs
Legendary fruit +1 (Коробка с фруктом +1), 1 pc

Refine any wings using gold 50 times

600 silver
Chakra demodulators (Брусок чакраприемник), 50 pcs
Super bankai exp crystal (Супер кристалл опыта (500к опыта)), 11 pcs
Card house "Card experd" collection special pack (Карточный Эксперт), 1 pc
Card house "Shichibukai" collection special pack (Особый набор "Шичибукай"), 1 pc
Legendary fruit +1 (Коробка с фруктом +1), 3 pcs

Part 4. Destroy infidel

Sacrifice 666 Blue dragons

300 silver
Seeker gem +3 pack (Набор самоцвета искателя +3), 6 pcs
Seal breaker (Разрушитель печати), 100 pcs
Kakashi note (Блокнот Какаши), 50 pcs

Sacrifice 666 Red dragons

300 silver
Slave slot opener (Том открытия слота рабов), 44 pcs // increases amount of slaves you can have
Heavenly feather (Райское перо), 200 pcs
Special Tsunade potion (Специальное зелье Цунаде), 8 pcs

Sacrifice any five wings

250 silver
Boutique x5 multiplier (Множитель х5 в бутике), 44 pcs
Demon proof (Знак подавления демона), 400 pcs
Grenade (Граната), 25 pcs

Note: statistics won't count if you reached stones cap (200m stones)


sxoksey 06.10.2016 в 16:24
what is heavenly feather on russia_
demurechan 06.10.2016 в 20:11
what is heavenly feather on russia_

It's 'Райское перо'
202784155 11.10.2016 в 16:01
when can i get the price?
demurechan 11.10.2016 в 21:31
when can i get the price?

You will be rewarded within one or two days
sxoksey 12.10.2016 в 11:58
can i get help here cuz no one answer on support...why i cant refresh wings more time ''Distillate any wings using heavenly feathers 50 times'' i have problem cuz i cant do it anymore..its like i have wings+19 and 119 heavently feathers and next to my number of father is zero..i cant disatillate anymore how should i win goal?
demurechan 12.10.2016 в 13:15
can i get help here cuz no one answer on support...why i cant refresh wings more time ''Distillate any wings using heavenly feathers 50 times'' i have problem cuz i cant do it anymore..its like i have wings+19 and 119 heavently feathers and next to my number of father is zero..i cant disatillate anymore how should i win goal?

Hello there!
The event is already ended.
You can't distillate your wings because they reached max. available quality.
Usual wings have max. of 10% quality that means you can't distillate it more then 10%
Other wings (perfect, legendary and custom) may be distillated at 20% quality.
Anyway, to reach 50 times distillation reward you had to distillate another wings if your current reached max.
sxoksey 14.10.2016 в 11:12
ended? when it will be another event..?
demurechan 14.10.2016 в 13:33
ended? when it will be another event..?

Information about upcoming events is not disclosed.
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